Coaches, Beware the “Petty Thieves” – Take Care of Your Own Economy

Meaning, to be aware of those little rascals keeping you from living a life of abundance and prosperity in all areas, not only financially. 

Life’s getting more difficult in the pressing economical times we’re in at the moment. Locally as well as globally. Countries are turning against each other and it feels as if nature is turning against us all. As business owners and many self-employed freelancers, we need to take charge of our own economy.

You might have escaped the 9-5 grind in the stuffy little cubicle to be free. You wanted the freedom of time and choice, right? To run your work schedule the way that suits you and your loved ones. AND shatter that income glass ceiling for good!

Or you decided from the start that working for someone else isn’t for you. However it might be, you can at least make some definite decisions and changes where necessary to secure a life of as little as possible economic stress. So please read on…

Here’s the thing. No job, business or income is ever secured anymore and nothing is as we knew it only a few years back. Not to mention the layoffs and shift in how we work the pandemic brought!

I know you became a coach to help people. To do good in this world and the world needs that! But it isn’t always easy to deal with the nitty gritty finances and admin part.

The only thing we can ever be sure of is CHANGE. And the only way to survive change is to adapt! It’s actually all in the mind. 

The beliefs we acquire over the years will determine the outcome of our lives. If we can get our minds in place, the rest will follow.

I recently found these in-your-face truths

👉 90% of the problems in your life are your responsibility

👉 your mood is a direct reflection of your daily habits

👉 your weight is a direct reflection of your daily habits

👉 your health is a direct reflection of your daily habits

👉 your wealth is a direct reflection of your daily habits

Image from Alexander Grey:

Here are some of the little pipe dream stealers you might recognize, keeping us in debt and robbing us of our joy:

  1. FEAR: 

Mostly we commonly have a deep-seated fear of failure, right? No one would like to fall on their faces, so to speak. Due to fear, we hesitate to start a new business and live the life of our dreams. 

Strangely, many have an unconscious fear of success as well. 

The fear of the necessary life changes and uncertainty accompanying that success can also prevent us from taking positive action towards a better life. 

We human beings like things to be stable and comfortable, right?

In the curious little book: “Who moved my Cheese”, Dr. Spencer Johnson shows us how devastating stagnation can be and how necessary for us to adapt and embrace new changes. 

No one knows everything when you start a new business. Don’t find yourself all alone and terrified. Seek the help you need to get you going, learn as much as possible and team up with the right people.


It is so easy (and popular) to blame time, or the shortage of it, for not achieving the success and lifestyle we want. 

If we can just tame the “time monster”, not only will our finances be better, but our whole lives really! We tend to spend way too much time on trivialities such as gossiping, watching the news and then complaining about it to others, instead of reading and learning to our advantage. 

We can’t do anything about it anyway. Complaining and worrying won’t make any difference, but taking positive action just might! 


Now, this can be really exhausting, equally so for you and your credit card! Trying to keep up with the Jones’s was the downfall of many over the years. 

You might have the best intentions of getting out of debt, just until the neighbours bought their new car or the latest gadget. 

This is a dangerous game to play and will almost always urge you to spend more than you earn. In turn, the neighbours might want to top your newest purchase or holiday and the vicious cycle spirals lower and lower down.


As children, we learn the beliefs of our parents, teachers and other influential adults. 

Unfortunately, some of those beliefs aren’t always right and don’t always serve us well in our own lives. We have to be aware of what’s holding us back and deal with it before we can move forward.

So what do you do?

Enough help is available for starting your long-wanted business or generating your own income and securing your financial future. 

Let your fingers do the walking through a wealth of internet information. 

And if you like to go “old school”, bookstores and libraries (remember those?) are jam-packed with books from the best teachers up for grabs. 

They all have one thing in common: they did walk the road themselves and teach from personal experience. All we have to do is to take it to heart and live by it and our lives and finances will prosper. It’s as easy as that!

Here are a few quotes from the wise ones, for a little inspiration:

1. “What you resist persists.” – Carl Jung

2. “Whatever you think about you bring about.” – Dr. John F. Demartini

3. “Where attention goes, energy flows”. – James Redfield

4. “What you sow, you’ll reap.” – The Bible

5. “This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.” – Winston 


6. “It is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it 

works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” – Robert Kiyosaki

7. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

So why not take action and manage your own economy, before life will do it for you 

with less favourable results, you might not like it at all!

Image from: Piotr Cichozs:

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